A 20-something’s Guide to Wellness: Embracing Aging

Photo by Giftpundits.com on Pexels.com As of today, I have officially hit the milestone of landing in my mid-twenties. However, the only phrase that comes to mind to describe how I feel on this occasion is, "full gratitude". It is said, sometimes ironically, that the human brain reaches full development between the ages of 24… Continue reading A 20-something’s Guide to Wellness: Embracing Aging

Changing Your First Name

I have never disliked my first name. It has been my companion for over two decades. It has crossed the lips of friends, interviewers, announcers, and family. But, it has caused some difficulties. My name is one of those names that can be pronounced in multiple ways. In addition, when I was born, the original… Continue reading Changing Your First Name

Recommended Books: Future of Industry

The books mentioned in this series will pertain to authors that focus on the future of the American and world economy. This book is a very engaging read, and really shows how the current lines that separate machine/AI technology from the medical industry, policing, care taking, and the human body,  will gradually blur to the… Continue reading Recommended Books: Future of Industry

New Year Series: In 2018, No Nice Friends

I don't want nice friends in 2018. nice [nīs] ADJECTIVE pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory: "we had a nice time" · I need friends that can call me out on my bullshit. I need friends that push me to work harder and strive higher just by witnessing their own will to be and do the best. I… Continue reading New Year Series: In 2018, No Nice Friends