A 20-something’s Guide to Wellness: Embracing Aging

Photo by Giftpundits.com on Pexels.com As of today, I have officially hit the milestone of landing in my mid-twenties. However, the only phrase that comes to mind to describe how I feel on this occasion is, "full gratitude". It is said, sometimes ironically, that the human brain reaches full development between the ages of 24… Continue reading A 20-something’s Guide to Wellness: Embracing Aging

Overcoming Generational Poverty in the “New Normal”: Part 1

Photo by Harsch Shivam on Pexels.com Let's all say it together. The pandemic was traumatic. There was death, financial ruin, and insurrections. In 15 months, our world underwent a dramatic pivot. No matter how much many of us sought solace by looking towards the day that the world "returned to normal", the world was never… Continue reading Overcoming Generational Poverty in the “New Normal”: Part 1

New Year Series: Preparing My Home and Space for the KonMari Method

A few weeks ago I moved into my first apartment. Filled with the excitement of starting in a new place, I ran at the opportunity to design my apartment to reflect my inner self. I bought dozens of items, so much so, that a weekly knock from an Amazon delivery worker became a point of… Continue reading New Year Series: Preparing My Home and Space for the KonMari Method

Road to Becoming a InfoSec Guru: Attaining a Network Certification

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com One of the primary knowledge foundations needed for information security and cybersecurity is an understanding of networks. Networks are the foundation of enterprises, governmental agencies, and the like. They are also the requisite step most attackers must take in order to gain unauthorized access to an environment. Therefore, having an… Continue reading Road to Becoming a InfoSec Guru: Attaining a Network Certification

Take the Meat and Leave the Bones

Photo by nappy on Pexels.com In the American south, there is a common biblical expression called "eat the meat, and leave the bones". The meaning of this expression can be summarised as this, always retain the ability of discernment, but do not allow the perception of discernment to prevent you from benefiting from good truths,… Continue reading Take the Meat and Leave the Bones

How 2019 Prepared Me for 2021

Photo by Oleg Zaicev on Pexels.com Last New Years, I started a ritual of recaping all of my achievements and failures at the start of a new year. Despite the pandemic, this year has been hands down my most functional and successful year since I entered adulthood. So let's step back a minute and do… Continue reading How 2019 Prepared Me for 2021

Hey Girl, Don’t Forget Your Home Security

So, you've moved into your first big girl apartment all on your own. Your imagination bursts with anticipation of hosting friends and newly designed rooms. However, although living on your own is exciting, it is important to take proper security precautions to best protect yourself and your belongings. A quick way to get some peace… Continue reading Hey Girl, Don’t Forget Your Home Security

Growing Type 4 Hair

Photo by Polina Kovaleva on Pexels.com There are thousands of blogs, vlogs, and articles that center growing type 4 hair. Within these blogs, are a multitude of tips and hair products that draw an audience with the promise of growing type 4 hair to unthinkable lengths. However, as a type 4 hair woman who is… Continue reading Growing Type 4 Hair

Advice for Ambiverts/Introverts Part 1: Balancing a need of Solitude with the Necessity of Connection

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com I like to think of myself as an introvert. I can easily interact with and build connections with others, but I am also prone to becoming drained when I am around others for too long. This reality is nothing out of the norm, and is common for ambiverts and… Continue reading Advice for Ambiverts/Introverts Part 1: Balancing a need of Solitude with the Necessity of Connection

Weight Loss Part 1: The Call to Action

I remember going to the store one day to shop for jeans. I had always prided myself on the way my body was shaped, and how lucky I was to have inherited it. But, something was different this time when I tried on a pair of pants. They didn't quite hug me the way I… Continue reading Weight Loss Part 1: The Call to Action