A 20-something’s Guide to Wellness: Embracing Aging

Photo by Giftpundits.com on Pexels.com

As of today, I have officially hit the milestone of landing in my mid-twenties. However, the only phrase that comes to mind to describe how I feel on this occasion is, “full gratitude”.

It is said, sometimes ironically, that the human brain reaches full development between the ages of 24 to 26. I can confirm that this period of my twenties has truly allowed me to prioritize the things in life that matter, and attain an overall sense of “adulthood”.

As a mid-twenty, I can now see 30 just hinting at my horizon. But, there is no longer a lingering fear of the big 30. I have only a willingness to fill the remainder of my life with as many experiences and achievements as possible.

Society teaches us that the apex of our lives can only be held in the freshness of youth. But as I embrace this day, this day of officially being a fully developed human, I see nothing but the fresh dew of new opportunity.

This life, this world, it can trick us in attaching our worth and value to arbitrary variables such as youth, beauty, money, and age. But when man first roamed the unchartered lands of earth, I would venture to believe, that the only thing that mattered was survival, opportunity, and experiencing the bounty of the earth before death.

So, to the latter years of my twenties, I embrace you as you take me to sights unseen.

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