Hey Girl, Don’t Forget Your Home Security

power socket during construction on building

So, you’ve moved into your first big girl apartment all on your own. Your imagination bursts with anticipation of hosting friends and newly designed rooms. However, although living on your own is exciting, it is important to take proper security precautions to best protect yourself and your belongings.

A quick way to get some peace of mind, is by buying and installing a home security system. I know what you’re thinking. Modblackfemme, why should I get locked into a multi-year contract and go into debt just for a security system? But, the advent and growth of technology has never made getting a security system as affordable and attainable as it is today.

Enter the DIY home security system. The market is bursting with a multitude of DIY home security systems to allow customers to customize their security based on their individual needs while also providing affordable hardware and low cost professional monitoring. In addition, modern DIY home security systems offer remarkable integration in the form of Google Home and Alexa compatibility. But, before you start pulling out your credit card and/or logging into your Affirm account, there is some general information you should consider when narrowing down the best home security for you.

What floor do you live on? If you have ground windows you should probably consider a system that includes motion sensors and glass breakers. Do you have a back door that faces away from a high traffic area? You may want to consider an alarm system with an affordable outdoor camera. Do you bring people over that you may not know that well? Consider purchasing an alarm system with a keychain panic button to quickly activate your alarm in the event that an acquaintance turns dangerous.

Again, there is no straight and narrow way to purchase an alarm system. What you choose will all come down to your own self-analysis of your home and location vulnerabilities. So, before you purchase an alarm, take note of the positioning of your home and/or apartment. Count the amount of windows and entry doors in your space. Also, take note of the design of your windows. If they are windows with dual panes, you will probably need to buy a window sensor for each section of the window that can open.

Once you have analyzed your vulnerabilities, you will be well-prepared to make a conscientious buying decision when purchasing your alarm system. For a head start in system comparisons, here is a quick link: https://www.safewise.com/best-home-security-system/diy/.

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