Recommended Books: Future of Industry

The books mentioned in this series will pertain to authors that focus on the future of the American and world economy.

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This book is a very engaging read, and really shows how the current lines that separate machine/AI technology from the medical industry, policing, care taking, and the human body,  will gradually blur to the point of cessation. It also is a good foundation for setting oneself up now to be able to capitalize on industries of the future. Some further points of interest in the book: advancing technologies have the potential to rearrange the global power table (i.e. technology has the potential to become the great equalizer), the importance of creativity over rote memorization in school curriculums is more important than ever before, the possible Orwellian nature of genomics.

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This book is essentially a business plan for America. One of the strengths of the book is that this business plan is very bipartisan, incorporating elements from the political right and left which gives even more credibility to the book as an effective strategy for present and future American industrial/economic policy. Another strength of the book is that the strategies posited by the author does not require the help of those on the hill (although it certainly would help), but pushes for action at the individual, local, and state level.

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