New Year Series: In 2018, No Nice Friends

I don’t want nice friends in 2018.


pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory:
“we had a nice time” ·

I need friends that can call me out on my bullshit.

I need friends that push me to work harder and strive higher just by witnessing their own will to be and do the best.

I need friends that don’t stroke my ego to make me feel better, but help me outline a future plan to deal with whatever’s causing my ego to deflate.

I need friends who don’t have to be warned about unsavory characters in their lives because they are proficient judges of character

I need friends that don’t find coolness in the amount of alcohol they can drink, and the amount of parties that they can attend

I need friends that aren’t threatened by the beauty and accomplishments of other women

I need friends that are not satisfied with being average

I need friends who live the advice they give

I need friends that don’t avoid conflict, but find a way to solve it

I need friends, who even if we no longer were friends, would not fix their lips to drag my name

I need friends that don’t find coolness in the cruelty of their actions

I need friends that don’t judge their worth by the social coolness of the people they befriend

I don’t want an agreeable friendship and I don’t want a delicate friendship. Agreeableness, will not strengthen me. Nor will it mold me into the woman I wish to become. Keep your niceties, I’ll remain open for the friendships that can only be born from true authenticity. As for the friends I’ve made that already fit the mold,  just know you’re the best.

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